Fire and Fury

Key Points

  1. Naenae College frequently referred students to FENZ's Fire Awareness Intervention Program to educate those who had engaged in concerning fire-related behaviors. The school and FENZ worked closely to arrange these sessions.
  2. FENZ representatives, especially Paul Carline, visited the school multiple times to deliver fire safety talks and work with referred students. The school was very appreciative of FENZ's efforts.
  3. In 2020, planned visits had to be put on hold or adjusted due to COVID-19 restrictions. Alternative options like providing educational materials or conducting sessions virtually were discussed.   
  4. The school experienced issues with students maliciously activating fire alarms. FENZ delivered educational sessions to 9(2)(a) on the seriousness of false alarms. The school reported the number of false alarms dropped significantly after these efforts.
  5. In 2021, the school worked on updating their evacuation plan. They consulted with FENZ representatives Peter Thompson and Stuart Law to get feedback and suggestions. Considerations included students needing extra assistance and the placement of evacuation chairs.
  6. Some students, like 9(2)a , visited local fire stations like Avalon after school. This seems to have been arranged as a positive learning experience related to the Fire Awareness Program